The Direct Relief and Development (DRD) is non-governmental humanitarian aid organization committed to the reduction of human suffering by breaking the cycle of poverty, hunger and malnutrition and working towards sustainable development.

DRD established in 2020 and its work devoted to help people living in extreme poverty, and injustice paying particular attention to most vulnerable groups including women, children, elderly, disable and people with special needs. DRD offers immediate relief assistance and protection and in long term development works to those most in need to realize their full potential and development. To achieve our mission, we work with communities to empower and build resilience, respond to emergency situations and seek to address the root causes of poverty, injustice and in-equal distribution of resources in the world’s poorest communities. 

DRD has its headquarters in Mogadishu and a liaison office in Nairobi. Since founded, DRD has been present in Mogadishu, Middle Shabelle and Hiran regions of Somalia delivering humanitarian aid assistance in areas of Health, nutrition, WASH, livelihoods, protection and education which impacts positively on women’s and children’s lives, their families and communities. This has largely been achieved through its member’s and Somali Diaspora generous contributions. 

Vision:  DRD is committed to the reduction of human suffering to break the cycle of poverty, hunger and malnutrition.

Mission:  Our mission is to help people living in extreme poverty and injustice by delivering immediate relief assistance and protection against all forms of violence and engage in the long-term development works that seek to address root causes of poverty and injustice among communities in Somalia. DRD focuses on offering support to less fortunate vulnerable groups in the society specially women and children such as separated and un-accompany children (UASC), Children affected by army conflicts (CAAC) and orphanage and vulnerable children (OVC)., their families and communities.

Our core values:

Independence: DRD is independent organization and it is not controlled by any political, ideological or national, international authorities or entities. Its decisions are solely based on the needs of affected populations. This freedom of thought and opinion allows DRD to decide its assistance on the best interest of the affected people. The same principle of independence determines our choice to institutions that we partner with or work including financial donors and in-kind donations.

Impartiality: in the eyes of DRD, crisis affected populations are the primary concern and humanitarian assistance is offered to them irrespective of any political, religious or social considerations. DRD’s humanitarian activities are implemented in an impartial manner without inclination to any social or religious beliefs.

Transparency: our interventions are implemented transparently and funds received from various donors are accounted for and verified by independent financial institutions. In addition, these reports are also made publicly.

Neutrality: DRD is a neutral organization and implements activities without biasness towards any faction. In case of warring factions within the areas of operation, DRD will maintain neutrality in all its endeavors